
An OpenTofu template for creating and managing an enterprise in AWS.

Primary LanguageHCLMIT No AttributionMIT-0


An OpenTofu template for creating and managing an enterprise in AWS.

Platform Goals

  • User self-service
  • Secure
  • Web based (ZTNA)
  • Autoscale based on schedule and demand
  • Serverless when possible
  • Offers open source software services to enterprise users

Setup and Bootstrap

After cloning this repo, make sure that you have an administrative IAM account configured in your AWS CLI and then run the below commands:

# Make sure you're in the repo
cd the-model-enterprise

# Bootstrap the S3 backend for OpenTofu
./bootstrap/bootstrap.sh [--region REGION] [--profile PROFILE] [--stage STAGE]

Supplying --profile PROFILE allows you to control the AWS CLI profile to assume when deploying the cloud formation stack.
Supplying --region REGION allows you to override the profile's default region to deploy the cloud formation stack into.

Once you've run the bootstrap script, you can then initialize and deploy with OpenTofu:

# Enter the OpenTofu directory
cd tf

# Initialize OpenTofu
tofu init

# View resources to be deployed
tofu plan

# Deploy the resources
tofu apply

TODO: Add steps for pulling and using the dev container