
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Boom Roasted

License: GPL v3 Last Commit Repo Size


Boom, Roasted was created to assist small scale commercial coffee roasters and avid home roasters with tracking their roasts and inventory while connecting them with a community of people with the common goal of roasting better coffee. The app allows users to: maintain a private inventory that is automatically updated with each completed roast, chart their roasts in real time based on the "main events" during the roast cycle, look up past roasts and add tasting or general notes for future reference, and participate in an online community geared towards giving advice, trading green and roasted coffee, and generally just connecting with other people interested in roasting.

Table of Contents










This App uses: MERN Stack(MongoDb, Express, React, Node.js)

Future Development

Plans for future development include:

  • Building out the roast logging aspect to be more in depth and account for events like gas adjustments and air flow changes
  • Making the inventory and roast history lists sortable by name/date/weight/etc
  • Adding the ability to rate each roast on a 0-5 start scale
  • Adding the ability to compare roasts and star particularly good batches
  • Adding a direct message capability to help facilitate coffee trades
  • Add a news section at the bottom of the dashboard that displays recent news from the coffee industry
  • Adding pagination to messages, roast history, and inventory
  • Add a feature that would allow for pre-roast blends


Deployed site can be found here


This project is covered under the GNU GPL v3 license, more information can be found here.


Please contact before contributing


GitHub Profile: tsgrewing Please email me at tsgrewing@gmail.com with additional questions.