This repository contains the files and instructions for completing Web Development Task 001. Follow the steps below to clone the repository and get started.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Git: Version control system to clone and manage the repository.
- GitHub: make sure you have an account to sync your repositories to.
- Code Editor: Any code editor like Visual Studio Code
Follow these steps to fork and clone the repository:
- Open your terminal or Git Bash.
- Navigate to the directory where you want to store the project.
- Fork then clone the repository.
To view the project locally, you can either open the project files in your code editor or open the HTML files in your browser.
- Change the < h1 > and < title > tags to read: Web Development Vocabulary.
- Create an unordered list and add each vocabulary word and definition as a list item.
- Make each vocabulary word/phrase bold or strong.
- Sync your fork back to GitHub and turn in.
After completing the task, be sure to commit your changes and push them back to your own forked repository and turn in the GitHub link in Google Classroom.