Nest Mongoose Crud

No Maintenance Intended


This is no longer updated, please consider using other library.


This package provides several decorators and classes for endpoints generation, model validation, and access control


  • Super easy to install and start using the full-featured controllers and services.
  • DB and service agnostic extendable CRUD controllers.
  • Reach query parsing with filtering, pagination, and sorting.
  • Query, path params and DTOs validation included.
  • Overriding or inherit controller methods with ease
  • Tiny config
  • Swagger documentation
  • Code Generator


Create a new nestjs project and install following dependencies.

Yarn (Recommended)

yarn add @tsh96/nest-mongoose-crud class-transformer class-validator @nestjs/swagger @nestjs/mongoose mongoose
yarn add -D @types/mongoose


npm install @tsh96/nest-mongoose-crud class-transformer class-validator @nestjs/swagger @nestjs/mongoose mongoose
npm install @types/mongoose

Getting started


Codegen is a handy tool to generate code for controller, dto, module, schema and service.

yarn codegen [resource] [path?]

For example yarn codegen cat will create a files under src/cat folder and yarn codegen puppy d1/d2 will create a files under src/d1/d2


Create a mongoose schema

// dog.schema.ts
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { ApiProperty } from '@nestjs/swagger';
import { IsNumber, IsString } from 'class-validator';
import { Document } from 'mongoose';

export type DogDocument = Dog & Document;

export class Dog {
  @Prop() // For mongoose
  @ApiProperty() // For swagger
  @IsString() // For class validator
  name: string;

  @Prop() // For mongoose
  @ApiProperty() // For swagger
  @IsNumber() // For class validator
  age: number;

  @Prop() // For mongoose
  @ApiProperty() // For swagger
  @IsString() // For class validator
  breed: string;

export const DogSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(Dog);

Create Dto(s) for services:

import { ApiProperty } from '@nestjs/swagger';
import { IsNumber, IsString, IsOptional } from 'class-validator';
import { Dog } from './dog.schema';

export class CreateDogDto extends Dog {
  @ApiProperty() // For swagger
  @IsString() // For class validator
  name: string;

  @ApiProperty() // For swagger
  @IsNumber() // For class validator
  age: number;

  @ApiProperty() // For swagger
  @IsString() // For class validator
  breed: string;

export class UpdateDogDto {
  @ApiProperty({ required: false }) // For swagger
  @IsString() // For class validator
  @IsOptional() // For class validator
  name?: string;

  @ApiProperty({ required: false }) // For swagger
  @IsNumber() // For class validator
  @IsOptional() // For class validator
  age?: number;

  @ApiProperty({ required: false }) // For swagger
  @IsString() // For class validator
  @IsOptional() // For class validator
  breed?: string;

Then create a crud service. Must have CrudInjectable decorator and extends CrudService:

import { Model } from 'mongoose';
import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { Dog, DogDocument } from './dog.schema';
import { CreateDogDto, UpdateDogDto } from './dog.dto';
import { CrudInjectable, CrudService } from 'nest-mongoose-crud';

  createDto: CreateDogDto,
  updateDto: UpdateDogDto,
  mongooseModel: Dog,
  filterQuery: UpdateDogDto,
}) // For Crud Service
export class DogsService extends CrudService {
  constructor(@InjectModel( dogModel: Model<DogDocument>) {

Create a controller. Must have Crud decorator and extends CrudController::

import { ParseArrayPipe } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ApiBearerAuth } from '@nestjs/swagger';
import { AuthResource, Crud, CrudController } from 'nest-mongoose-crud';
import { DogsService } from './dog.service';

@ApiBearerAuth() // For Swagger Api
@AuthResource('dog') // For Access Control (Roles Guard)
@Crud('dogs', { crudService: DogsService, ParseArrayPipe }) // For Crud Controller
export class DogsController extends CrudController<DogsService, any> {
  constructor(readonly service: DogsService) {

Connect controller and service with a module

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { Dog, DogSchema } from './dog.schema';
import { DogsController } from './dogs.controller';
import { DogsService } from './dog.service';
import { JwtAuthModule } from 'src/jwt-auth/jwt-auth.module';

  imports: [
    MongooseModule.forFeature([{ name:, schema: DogSchema }]),
  controllers: [DogsController],
  providers: [DogsService],
export class DogsModule {}


API endpoints

Action One Bulk
Create POST /dogs POST /dogs/bulk
Read GET /dogs/:dogId GET /dogs
Update PUT /dogs/:dogId PUT /dogs requiredParam(filter)
Delete DELETE /dogs/:dogId DELETE /dogs requiredBody([...ids])

Access Control

@AuthResource and @AuthActions decorators are worked together to define permissions for each endpoint. @AuthResource is used on controllers and @AuthActions is used on actions (methods). For example

import { ParseArrayPipe } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ApiBearerAuth } from '@nestjs/swagger';
import {
} from 'nest-mongoose-crud';
import { DogsService } from './dog.service';

@ApiBearerAuth() // For Swagger Api
@AuthResource('dog') // For Access Control (Roles Guard)
@Crud('dogs', { crudService: DogsService, ParseArrayPipe }) // For Crud Controller
export class DogsController extends CrudController<DogsService, any> {
  constructor(readonly service: DogsService) {

  // @AuthActions('FeedOne', 'FeedMany')  it also can be multiple
  feed() {
    // code here

Some basic actions are included in the crud actions:

Action One Bulk
Create CreateOne, CreateMany CreateMany
Read ReadOne, ReadMany ReadMany
Update UpdateOne, UpdateMany UpdateMany
Delete DeleteOne, DeleteMany DeleteMany


You can override or inherit controllers as below:

//imports ...
@ApiBearerAuth() // For Swagger Api
@AuthResource('dog') // For Access Control (Roles Guard)
@Crud('dogs', { crudService: DogsService, ParseArrayPipe }) // For Crud Controller
export class DogsController extends CrudController<DogsService, any> {
  constructor(readonly service: DogsService) {

  ApiOkResponse({ type: CreateOneResponse });
  createOne(@Body() body: CreateDogDto) {
    // code here...
    return super(body); //inherit (optional)

Here are the method names for respective action.

Action One Bulk
Create createOne createMany
Read findById findMany
Update updateById updateMany
Delete deleteById deleteMany

Services also:

//imports ...

  createDto: CreateDogDto,
  updateDto: UpdateDogDto,
  mongooseModel: Dog,
  filterQuery: UpdateDogDto,
}) // For Crud Service
export class DogsService extends CrudService {
  constructor(@InjectModel( dogModel: Model<DogDocument>) {

  feed() {
    //code here...