
  1. Link your Magento 1 document root to src

    • ln -s /path/to/m1/doc/root src
  2. Add IP alias, on your host machine, for enable Xdebug

    • sudo ifconfig lo0 alias netmask
  3. Init submodules

    • git submodule init
    • git submodule update
  4. Create and run containers

    • docker-compose up -d -f env/docker-compose.yml --remove-orphans --force-recreate --build

Available tools

xhprof + xhgui for profiling PHP code

To enable profiler you have to add GET parameter profile=1. You have to do it once. After first request it will create cookie, all the further requests will be profiled.

For accessing xhgui add the following line to your hosts: xhgui.local

After this you can see all the profiles by the link.

To disable profiler you have to add GET parameter profile=0. It will unset cookie. After this profiler will be disabled, for all the further requests.


Please make sure that you didn't miss second step from Installation. Also, there is an issue, you should enable debugger only after containers will up.