
Posts GitHub Actions Events to AWS EventBridge

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GitHub Action Event to AWS EventBridge

A custom github action to send messages to AWS EventBridge.

Terms of Use

Using this action is free for open source, academic, and other non-commercial activities.

If you'd like to use this action for commercial activities, you must do one of the following:

  • make a code or documentation contribution to the repo
  • pay an invoice via Stripe
  • have a provable BTC/ETH transfer

Payment via Stripe

If you'd like to purchase via Stripe, either make a one-time payment of $10 or subscribe for $1/month.

Sending BTC/ETH

You are also granted usage rights if you can prove a transfer of at least 0.0025 ETH or at least 0.00025 BTC. For wallet information see trenthauck.eth.

User Guide

This section provides guidance on how to configure the GitHub Action and AWS EventBridge Bus/Rule/etc.

GitHub Actions

The goal of this action is to facilitate sending events to an AWS EventBridge EventBus. To do so, you need to configure the action like so:

- name: Configure AWS Credentials
  uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@master
    role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.ROLE }}  # needs permissions to write to the event bus
- uses: tshauck/gh-action-event-to-aws-eventbridge@main  # see the releases for tags
    event_bus_name: 'tshauck-gh-action-event-to-aws-eventbridge'
    resources: 'my,resources'

event_bus_name is the only required parameter. Generally, your options are:

parameter default
detail_type GitHub Action Event
source gh.event
detail github.context.payload's value
resources "$ORG/$REPO"

For more information see:


To use this event in AWS-land, setup a Rule associated with the Event Bus, and then a Target for that Rule. For example, this is a snippet of a Rule that targets an API Destination to make a GitHub Issue.

    Type: AWS::Events::EventBus
      Name: my-event-bus

  GitHubConnection: # Full definition omitted.
    Type: AWS::Events::Connection

    Type: AWS::Events::ApiDestination
      Name: "GitHubApiDestination"
      ConnectionArn: !GetAtt GitHubConnection.Arn
      InvocationEndpoint: https://webhook.site/11fa176d-c1a9-4d03-aa79-d933b40947bb
      HttpMethod: POST
      InvocationRateLimitPerSecond: 10

    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
      EventBusName: !Ref EventBus
      RoleArn: !GetAtt APIRole.Arn  # defined elsewhere
          - "GitHub Action Event"
        - Arn: !GetAtt GitHubApiDestination.Arn
          RoleArn: !GetAtt APIRole.Arn  # defined elsewhere
          Id: "GithubAPIDestination"
              head_commit_url: $.detail.head_commit.url
              repo_name: $.detail.repository.name
            InputTemplate: '{"title": "Got build event for <repo_name>", "body": "<head_commit_url> fired this event."}'


The role associated with your authentication mechanism from the Action to AWS needs to be able to put events to the bus in question. It's recommended you use AWS's action here.