
:floppy_disk: :file_folder: Easy way to back up all files from slack

Primary LanguagePython


Easy way to back up all files from slack

Why you need it?

Most people don't want to pay for high Slack monthly subscription fees where all files are stored forever. Most plans have around 3 months of expiry. So being in a start-up where some files are important and we don't want to lost the data this script can help you save stuff locally and avoid asking people to resend files you need 3 weeks later

How to run?

Pre-requisite: Python is installed on your local environment

  1. Clone this repository into your local computer.

  2. cd into the folder

  3. Run pip install requests to download dependency

  4. Do chmod +x slack-downloader.py to ensure its executable

  5. Open the slack-downloader.py script with a text editor and configure it using a legacy token

  6. Optionally, you can add the program to your crontab to automatically check for new shared items on Slack:

    crontab -e
  7. Now you have to append the following line (press i button to insert data):

    0 * * * * python /directory_path/slack-downloader.py

    where /directory_path/ identifies the path of the directory containing the script, while 0 * specifies the program has to be called every hour. You can use this to set your own cron job schedule

  8. Run using the command python slack-downloader.py

  9. All data will be stored in this format


    History of already downloaded files is mantained, in order to avoid duplicate downloads.