
App generator with auto-updating development server, Sass/Compass, JS minification, auto bower component injector and more...

Primary LanguageCSS


To run the compiler you must install all dependencies by running 'npm install' in
the project's root folder, this will install everything you need to work on this project.
If you need installation instruction for npm you can find it here:

After that you can run the compiler by running 'gulp' in the project's root folder.
Now you'll have a running process that watches you're files for changes and a local
server (FYI it can be accessed from other devices as well) with an open browser tab
that shows the project's index.html.

To install front-end components simply use 'bower install --save <packagename>',
wiredep will pick those up and automatically inject them into index.html

For reference, these are some of the tools we're using:

  * gulp.js - http://gulpjs.com/
  * UglifyJS - https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
  * BrowserSync - http://www.browsersync.io/
  * Sass & Compass - http://sass-lang.com/ & http://compass-style.org/
  * Wiredep - https://github.com/taptapship/wiredep
  * Usemin - https://github.com/zont/gulp-usemin

Rule #1 - you should NEVER write JS or CSS directly in /www
The scripts and style sheets in /www are compiled from the sources in /src

All of the tasks for the compiler are inside /gulp/tasks
The compiler will parse any task added to this folder.

every folder under /src/js is compiled into a single file in /www/js plus a
minified version of the same file.
This allows us to break down a single script into many small scripts.

The Sass files in /src/scss are compiled using Sass & Compass and produces two
files, one normal and one minified.