
evaluateCutpoints is a R package for multiple cutpoints determination in biomedical research.

Primary LanguageR


evaluateCutpoints is a R package for multiple cutpoints determination in biomedical research. It is an extension of evaluateCutpoints application (http://wnbikp.umed.lodz.pl/Evaluate-Cutpoints/). It allows to calculate optimal cutoff value for each biomarker in a dataset and produces a set of statistics for each cutpoint (histograms, Kaplan-Meier curves and estimates - hazard ratios, confidence intervals, p-values). Additionally, the user can pick a cutpoint value for each biomarker manually.

Publication is available at: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169260718312252


Please use following command to install the package.



Data should contain columns with the results for each biomarker, time and outcome variables.

You can download data example from data folder. Then use the following:

table <- read.csv("~/pathToYourFile/sample-data.csv", header = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(table)

Package usage example

To test the package, you can use the code below. The algorithm will create a new folder in the main folder and produce statistics for each biomarker.

Required variables:

  • mainDir: main folder,
  • resultsDirName: name of the folder where the analysis results will be produced,
  • df: data frame object,
  • biomarkerList: a list of analyzed biomarkers,
  • time: time variable,
  • event: event variable,
  • setCutpoint: should be NULL if cutpoints need to be calculated; if the user wants to set one cutoff value and produce statistics for two resulting groups, setCutpoint should be a list of cutpoint values for each biomarker in biomarkerList,
  • setCutpoint2: should be NULL if cutpoints need to be calculated; if the user wants to set two cutoff values per biomarker and produce statistics for three resulting groups, setCutpoint2 should be a second list of cutpoint values (additionally to setCutpoint variable) for each biomarker in biomarkerList.

table <- read.csv("~/Documents/ev-cutpoints-multiple-analyses/sample-data.csv", header = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(table)

time <- c("time")
event <- c("event")
biomarkers <- c("biomarker1", "biomarker2", "biomarker3")
setCutpoint <- c(3, 4, 2)
setCutpoint2 <- c(9, 14, 8)
