
Draft of a synchronization server for bakthat.

Primary LanguagePython

Bakthat SyncSever

Draft of a synchronization server for bakthat.


Be careful, you should use ssl (even with a self signed cert) and run it whith something like gunicorn.

Setting up

Server side

You should run it with a proxy like gunicorn.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python server.py
 * Running on
 * Restarting with reloader

Client side

Assuming bakthat is already installed.

Change LOGIN and PASSWORD on top of server.py, you can also change the port a the end (2405 by default).

Edit ~/.bakthat.yml for each client.

  auto: false
  url: http://yourserver:2405
  username: login
  password: password

Now you can run on each client.

$ bakthat sync

That's it.