
Manage TODO list from the command line. Uses BlobStash as backend.

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC


Build Status License Code style: black

Manage TODO list from the command line. Uses BlobStash as backend.


  • You get to see cats 😻
  • Tasks created from the CLI are stored inside a special DocStore collections
  • Extract Markdown TODOs (like [ ] item) directly from other DocStore collections
  • Basic prioritazion support (just add p:H or p:M to attach priority, default is low (L)), with colorized bash output
  • Support time-travel listing (using asof:YYYY-MM-DD and other formats)


$ pip install git+https://github.com/tsileo/todos
# Create the config file
$ vim ~/.config/todos.yaml


base_url: 'http://localhost:8050'
api_key: '123'
notes_col: 'test'
todos_col: 'todos_cli'


See the help.

$ todos -h