
reads an ini file into a custom data structure.

Primary LanguageOdinMIT LicenseMIT


A simple package used to load data from an .ini file into your own data structures.


  1. Create your configuration data structures. E.g:
Database :: struct {
    server: string,
    port: string,
    max_connections: u16,

Logging :: struct {
    path: string,
    log_level: string,
    max_file_size: u64,
    rotation_files: u8,

Configuration :: struct {
    database: Database,
    logging: Logging,
  1. write a procedure to parse your ini file into your data structure
import ini "shared:ini"

load_ini :: proc(file_name: string) -> (config: Configuration, success:bool) {

    cfg, err := ini.read_ini_file(file_name)
    defer ini.delete_config(cfg)
    if err != nil {
        return config, false

    config = Configuration{
        logging = ini.parse_section_by_type(cfg, "logging", Logging)   or_else Logging{},
        database  = ini.parse_section_by_type(cfg, "server", Database) or_else Database{},
    return config, true

2b. You can also define default values before parsing the file:

load_ini_with_defaults :: proc(file_name: string) -> (config: Configuration, success: bool) {

    config = IniConfiguration{
        logging = Logging{
            level = "INFO",
            path = ".",
        database = Database{}

    cfg, err := ini.read_ini_file(file_name)
    defer ini.delete_config(cfg)
    if err != nil {
        // this would still provide a config your program
        // might be able to work with.
        return config, false

    ini.parse_section(cfg, "logging", &(config.logging))
    ini.parse_section(cfg, "database", &(config.database))

    return config, true
  1. call your procedure
cfg, ok := load_ini("./config.ini")
  1. Eternal happiness!