Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • axios package
  • AJAX
  • Promises


  • Run npm i inside the root directory of this project. Run npm start to start the server.
  • In a separate terminal window, run create-react-app friends to create your starter application.
  • The provided server returns a list of friends when making a GET request to http://localhost:5000/friends.
  • Inside your React application create a component to display the list of friends coming from the server.
  • Add a form to gather information about a new friend and a button to save the friend by making a POST request to the same endpoint listed above.
  • Each friend should have the following properties:
  name: should be a string,
  age: should be a number,
  email: should be a string,

Stretch Problems

  • Separate the list of friends and the new friend form into different components and use client side routing to switch between them.
  • Implement the update and delete functionality.
    • for update pass the friend id as a URL paremeter and the information about the friend inside the body.
    • for delete pass the friend id as a URL parameter.
  • Style the friends list and the input field and make everything look nice.
  • Expand the number of properties that you put on each friend object. Feel free to remove the dummy data on the server or modify it in any way.