
This image is the zookeeper base. It comes from rawmind/alpine-jvm8.

Primary LanguageShell


This image is the zookeeper base. It comes from alpine-jvm8.


docker build -t rawmind/alpine-zk:<version> .



This image runs zookeeper with monit. Zookeeper is started with user and group "zookeeper".

Besides, you can customize the configuration in several ways:

Default Configuration

zookeeper is installed with the default configuration and some parameters can be overrided with env variables:

  • ZK_DATA_DIR="/opt/zk/data"
  • ZK_INIT_LIMIT="10"
  • ZK_TICK_TIME="2000"
  • ZK_SERVER=""

Custom Configuration

Zookeeper is installed under /opt/zk and make use of /opt/zk/conf/myid and /opt/zk/conf/zoo.cfg.

You can edit this files in order customize configuration

You could also include FROM rawmind/alpine-zk at the top of your Dockerfile, and add your custom config.


If you are running it in rancher, you could run rancher-zk as a sidekick to get dynamic configuration.


If you are running it in k8s, you could run k8s-zk at the same pod to get dynamic configuration.


See rancher-example, rancher catalog package that runs zookeeper in a cattle environment with dynamic configuration.

See k8s-example, rancher catalog package that runs zookeeper in a k8s environment with dynamic configuration.