- 7
onnx 1.16 onnxslim 0.1.35 onnxruntime 1.18
#32 opened by cqray1990 - 1
When quantizing the Paddle‘s RT-DETR model , an error occurs during pruning due to the Pad operator.
#31 opened by ZXB6 - 8
AttributeError: module 'onnxruntime' has no attribute 'set_default_logger_severity'
#30 opened by Git-CYQ - 6
- 3
[Bug] It will cause memory leaks
#25 opened by 791136190 - 0
- 6
[Bug] 当onnx的graph和weight分离存储时,优化结束后导出模型出错
#20 opened by 791136190 - 1
[Bug] conformer encoder 模型 slim 后无法推理,slim 前正常
#13 opened by sean-wade - 2
- 2
[Bug] NoneType is not iterable
#9 opened by 2020zyc - 0
[Feature] torch dynamo exported onnx support
#12 opened by inisis - 2
- 1
[Bug] 模型转换后无法进行正常推理
#6 opened by suzhou3772 - 1
[Bug] onnx optimize fail with onnxslim
#4 opened by czdelete - 1
[Feature] Common Sub Expression Elimination
#5 opened by inisis - 1