
Fast directory traversal for Golang

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Fast parallel directory traversal for Golang.

Package fastwalk provides a fast parallel version of filepath.WalkDir that is ~2x faster on macOS, ~4x faster on Linux, ~6x faster on Windows, allocates 50% less memory, and requires 25% fewer memory allocations. Additionally, it is ~4-5x faster than godirwalk across OSes.

Inspired by and based off of golang.org/x/tools/internal/fastwalk.



Usage is the same as filepath.WalkDir, but the walkFn argument to fastwalk.Walk must be safe for concurrent use.

Examples can be found in the examples directory.

The below example is a very simple version of the POSIX find utility:

// fwfind is a an example program that is similar to POSIX find,
// but faster and worse (it's an example).
package main

import (


const usageMsg = `Usage: %[1]s [-L] [-name] [PATH...]:

%[1]s is a poor replacement for the POSIX find utility


func main() {
	flag.Usage = func() {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, usageMsg, filepath.Base(os.Args[0]))
	pattern := flag.String("name", "", "Pattern to match file names against.")
	followLinks := flag.Bool("L", false, "Follow symbolic links")

	// If no paths are provided default to the current directory: "."
	args := flag.Args()
	if len(args) == 0 {
		args = append(args, ".")

	// Follow links if the "-L" flag is provided
	conf := fastwalk.Config{
		Follow: *followLinks,

	walkFn := func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %v\n", path, err)
			return nil // returning the error stops iteration
		if *pattern != "" {
			if ok, err := filepath.Match(*pattern, d.Name()); !ok {
				// invalid pattern (err != nil) or name does not match
				return err
		_, err = fmt.Println(path)
		return err
	for _, root := range args {
		if err := fastwalk.Walk(&conf, root, walkFn); err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %v\n", root, err)


Benchmarks were created using go1.17.6 and can be generated with the bench_comp make target:

$ make bench_comp



goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
cpu: Apple M1 Max
              filepath       fastwalk       delta
time/op       27.9ms ± 1%    13.0ms ± 1%    -53.33%
alloc/op      4.33MB ± 0%    2.14MB ± 0%    -50.55%
allocs/op     50.9k ± 0%     37.7k ± 0%     -26.01%
              godirwalk      fastwalk       delta
time/op       58.5ms ± 3%    18.0ms ± 2%    -69.30%
alloc/op      25.3MB ± 0%    2.1MB ± 0%     -91.55%
allocs/op     57.6k ± 0%     37.7k ± 0%     -34.59%



goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz
drive: Samsung SSD 970 PRO 1TB
              filepath       fastwalk       delta
time/op       10.1ms ± 2%    2.8ms ± 2%     -72.83%
alloc/op      2.44MB ± 0%    1.70MB ± 0%    -30.46%
allocs/op     47.2k ± 0%     36.9k ± 0%     -21.80%
              filepath       fastwalk       delta
time/op       13.7ms ±16%    2.8ms ± 2%     -79.88%
alloc/op      7.48MB ± 0%    1.70MB ± 0%    -77.34%
allocs/op     53.8k ± 0%     36.9k ± 0%     -31.38%



goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/charlievieth/fastwalk
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz
              filepath       fastwalk       delta
time/op       88.0ms ± 1%    14.6ms ± 1%    -83.47%
alloc/op      5.68MB ± 0%    6.76MB ± 0%    +19.01%
allocs/op     69.6k ± 0%     90.4k ± 0%     +29.87%
              filepath       fastwalk       delta
time/op       87.4ms ± 1%    14.6ms ± 1%    -83.34%
alloc/op      6.14MB ± 0%    6.76MB ± 0%    +10.24%
allocs/op     100k ± 0%      90k ± 0%       -9.59%

Darwin: getdirentries64

The nogetdirentries build tag can be used to prevent fastwalk from using and linking to the non-public __getdirentries64 syscall. This is required if an app using fastwalk is to be distributed via Apple's App Store (see golang/go#30933 for more details). When using __getdirentries64 is disabled, fastwalk will use readdir_r instead, which is what the Go standard library uses for os.ReadDir and is about ~10% slower than __getdirentries64 (benchmarks).

Example of how to build and test that your program is not linked to __getdirentries64:

# NOTE: the following only applies to darwin (aka macOS)

# Build binary that imports fastwalk without linking to __getdirentries64.
$ go build -tags nogetdirentries -o YOUR_BINARY
# Test that __getdirentries64 is not linked (this should print no output).
$ ! otool -dyld_info YOUR_BINARY | grep -F getdirentries64

There is a also a script scripts/links2getdirentries.bash that can be used to check if a program binary links to getdirentries.