Tsiry Sandratraina Homebrew Tap

What is Homebrew?

Package manager for macOS (or Linux), see more at https://brew.sh

What is a Tap?

A third-party (in relation to Homebrew) repository providing installable packages (formulae) on macOS and Linux.

See more at https://docs.brew.sh/Taps

How do I install these formulae?

brew install tsirysndr/tap/<formula>

Or brew tap tsirysndr/tap and then brew install <formula>.

What packages are available?

With the following commands, you can install the latest version of each package:

# Formulae
brew install tsirysndr/tap/datpiff
brew install tsirysndr/tap/envhub
brew install tsirysndr/tap/genius
brew install tsirysndr/tap/kickasstorrent
brew install tsirysndr/tap/mixtapetorrent
brew install tsirysndr/tap/mada
brew install tsirysndr/tap/mvola
brew install tsirysndr/tap/musicplayer
brew install tsirysndr/tap/piratebay
brew install tsirysndr/tap/tononkira
brew install tsirysndr/tap/tunein
brew install tsirysndr/tap/superviseur

# Casks
brew install tsirysndr/tap/musicplayer --cask


brew help, man brew or check Homebrew's documentation.