ISV Addon operator template

Sequence Diagram Quick Access


This repository holds a template for creating ISV Addon operator in OSD, it is a starting point from which to start developing your operator
The design leverages OLM dependencies mechanism for operator dependencies.
A Dynamic Admission Webhook for provisioning the Enterprise CR modifications.
And a Finalizer for cleaning up the Enterprise CR.

Repository content

Next to this document, you'll find the template operator with its bundle manifest (deployed to

The isv-addon controller is the shell for the new design, this part will be implemented in our current operator, if this design gets accepted.

The olm-catalog folder holds the sources for the OLM catalog.

Design walkthrough

The isv-addon describes the enterprise package as its dependency and runs 2 controllers.
The addon controller creates the ISV CR.
The webhook controller provisions all ISV CRs.
The addon controller leverages a finalizer for cleaning up existing ISV CRs.

In this design, the addon controller handles the following actions:
Reconciling the required resources, i.e. secrets, prometheus servers, and service monitors.
And eventually deploying the required ISV CR.

Entity Relationship

Sequence Diagram

  participant P as Platform
  participant A as Addon Controller
  participant I as ISV operator
  participant V as Validation Webhook
  actor U as User

  P->>+A: Create Addon CR
  activate A
  A->>V: ISV CR Create Allowed?
  V-->>A: Create Allowed!
  A->>I: Create ISV CR
  activate I

  U->>V: ISV CR Delete Allowed?
  V--xU: Delete Denied
  U->>V: ISV CR Update Allowed?
  V--xU: Update Denied!
  U->>V: New ISV CR Create Allowed?
  V--xU: Create Denied!

  P->>A: Delete Addon CR
  A->>V: ISV CR Delete Allowed?
  V-->>A: Delete Allowed!
  A->>I: Delete ISV CR
  deactivate I
  deactivate A

Implementing ISV addon operator using this template

New ISV operator written using this template repository must implement this method

type CommonISV interface {
    GetISVPrefix() string

In addition the file enterprise-crd.env should also be filled with the appropriate values, it is used by kustomize for dynamic values, for example:


If ISV specific logic is needed it should be written in functions which should be added to the isvCustomFuncs array.
If modification of the ISV cr read from the secret is needed, it should be written in functions which should be added to the isvCustomPatches array.
Then an init method needs to be added to the load_isv_funcs.go and in it the function specified above should be added to the appropriate arrays for example:

func init() {
    isvCustomFuncs = append(isvCustomFuncs, funcX)
    isvCustomPatches = append(isvCustomPatches, funcY)

Addon Operator dependencies should be specified in the dependencies.yaml file including dependencies to the isv-operator, for example:

- type: olm.package
    packageName: isv-operator(starburst-operator for example)
    version: "0.0.1"
- type: olm.package
    packageName: ose-prometheus-operator
    version: "4.10.0"