Vim everywhere

Here you can see what websites you are probably already using has Vi-like keybindings.


You are free to clone repository and open a new pull request with new information.

Browser Apps


Shortcut What does it do?
j focuses next tweet
k focuses previous tweet
l likes focused tweet
r opens reply pop-up for focused tweet
t opens retweet pop-up
u mutes user whose tweet is focused
i toggles messages pop-up
s opens share pop-up
x blocks user whose tweet is focused
b adds focused tweet to bookmarks
n opens new tweet pop-up
m opens new message pop-up


Shortcut What does it do?
/ opens search bar
j inside a repo, moves down in selected file
k inside a repo, moves up in selected file
gc inside a repo, go to code
gi inside a repo, go to issues
gp inside a repo, go to pull requests
ga inside a repo, go to actions
gb inside a repo, go to projects
gw inside a repo, go to wiki
gg inside a repo, go to discussions
gn inside a repo, go to notifications
gd inside a repo, go to dashboard


Shortcut What does it do?
/ opens search bar
c compose a new email
k newer conversation
j older conversation
gk go to tasks
gl go to label
gi go to inbox
gs go to starred conversations
gb go to snoozed conversations
gt go to sent messages
gd go to drafts
ga go to all mail
[ Archive conversation and go next
] Archive conversation and go previous


Shortcut What does it do?
/ opens search page
j inline next article
k inline previous article
n select next article
gt go to today articles
ga go to all articles
gg jump to ...
gi go to index
gl mark as read later

Stack Overflow

Shortcut What does it go?
j scrolls to next question (on main page) or answer (on question page)
k same as above but to previous question or answer

Vim Emulations in Sites

These are sites that support vim emulation in its editors, from movements to macros, etc.

  • Overleaf
  • HackerRank
  • LeetCode
  • CodinGame
  • Google Colab
  • CoderPad
  • Codility

Vim in Desktop Applications

  • Obsidian (Note taker)
  • Insomnia (HTTP Client)

Vim emulation in other text editors/IDEs