
This program is used to remotely control your PC from your Telegram app.

Primary LanguagePython


This program is used to remotely control your PC from your Telegram app. Please use this responsibly .
Full blogpost here.


  • Check screen status (Locked or unlocked).
  • Lock screen.
  • Take screenshots.
  • Paste clipboard.
  • List running processes.
  • Kill running processes.
  • Open URL in computer browser.
  • Navigate file system.
  • Execute system commands.
  • Download files from computer.
  • Put computer in sleep mode.


This program in meant to be running on the PC you want to control remotely.

git clone https://github.com/Ahmed-Z/Telegram-Remote-Desktop
cd Telegram-Remote-Desktop

After downloading you have to install dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


You need to create a bot via BotFather using the Telegram app to get the access token and the chat id.

You need to create auth.json file containing your access token and the chat id.


IMPORTANT | for security reasons you need to insert your telegram username in telegram-remote-desktop.py in the line:
if update.message.chat["username"] != "YOUR_USERNAME":
Only the the account of the specified username is able to use the bot.