
Create cat fact video shorts for youtube

Primary LanguagePython

Video Shorts Cat Fact Bot

This is a personal project to continue learning Python.

YouTube Channel:



Created a function in SoundCreate.py to use AWS Polly for voice. It grabs a random voice from the US English list each time for the voice over. Must have AWS account to use.

The gTTS function is available to use and can be swapped out in main.py if needed.


https://www.pexels.com API Authorization Token
brew install ffmpeg
brew install imagemagick
pip3 install moviepy
pip3 install gTTS
pip3 install dotenv pip3 install boto3

Edit config.env and Save file As .env.

Unless using s3 for storage do not uncomment in main.py.

To Do List:

  1. Automate upload to youtube channel


Quote.py - Uses requests library to grab a cat "fact" from a free api and formats the json response.

SoundCreate.py - Uses gTTS library to take the quote from Quote.py and turn it into an audio file. Includes function for AWS Polly and will grab random voice for each video.

main.py - This will call all of the functions.

VideoDownload.py - Downloads the video to be used as the background


Video API


AWS Polly