
Collection of Handy Dandy Powershell functions

Primary LanguagePowerShellISC LicenseISC

TSUtils Powershell Module

Collection of miscellaneous powershell functions.


Add-VbaToXls Add-VbaToXls -Xlsx FileInfo -VbaCode string CommonParameters -Xlsx
Add-XlsTitleRow Add-XlsTitleRow -Xlsx FileInfo -Title string CommonParameters -Xlsx
Convert-CsvToXls Convert-CsvToXls -Csv FileInfo -Xlsx FileInfo CommonParameters -Csv
ConvertFrom-BytesToHumanReadable ConvertFrom-BytesToHumanReadable -Bytes double CommonParameters -Bytes
ConvertFrom-HashTable ConvertFrom-HashTable -HashTable hashtable CommonParameters -HashTable
ConvertTo-HashTable ConvertTo-HashTable -Object Object CommonParameters -Object
ConvertTo-Letter ConvertTo-Letter -Number int CommonParameters -Number
Get-Alphabet Get-Alphabet -Upper -Lower -WhatIf -Confirm CommonParameters -Upper
Get-Answer Get-Answer -Question string CommonParameters -Question
Get-CsvColumn Get-CsvColumn -Csv FileInfo -Column string CommonParameters -Csv
Get-DiskUsage Get-DiskUsage -Path string -Bytes CommonParameters -Path
Get-LocalVariables Get-LocalVariables -Foo string -Bar string -Baz string -Foo
Get-Parameters Get-Parameters -Function string CommonParameters -Function
Get-PSScriptProcess Get-PSScriptProcess -PSScript string CommonParameters -PSScript
Import-LocalModules Import-LocalModules -Include array CommonParameters -Include
Invoke-PowershellAs Invoke-PowershellAs -Username string -RunAs CommonParameters -Username
Merge-MultipleObjects Merge-MultipleObjects -Objects Object CommonParameters -Objects
Merge-TwoObjects Merge-TwoObjects -ObjectOne Object -ObjectTwo Object -PrefixOne string -PrefixTwo string -WhatIf -Confirm CommonParameters -ObjectOne
New-ModuleTemplate Generate module scaffolding and boilerplate. -Names The names of the modules you want to create.
-Path The path to store these modules in. Defaults to the last path found in $env:PSModulePath.
-Author Name of the modules author. This will be inserted into the Author and Copyright fields in the manifest file. Defaults to the current users' name.
-CompanyName This will be inserted into the Company field of the manifest file. Defaults to nil.
-Description Description of the module. This will be inserted into the description field of the module manifest and at the top of the main README.md.
-RequiredModules List of modules that this module depends on. Will be inserted into the RequiredModules field of the manifest file.
-UncommentConfig A switch that uncomments a line in the psm1 file that dot sources the configuration management script. This is stored in Config.ps1 and allows reading in of sensitive data stored in a Config.psd1 for setting variables available in the modules' scope.
New-Path New-Path -Path string -Type string -Force -WhatIf -Confirm CommonParameters -Path
Remove-Accents Remove-Accents -str string -Force -WhatIf -Confirm CommonParameters -str
Set-DefaultDisplayPropertySet Set-DefaultDisplayPropertySet -Object Object -Properties string -TypeName string CommonParameters -Object
Test-EmailAddress Test-EmailAddress -EmailAddress string CommonParameters -EmailAddress
Test-IsPSScriptRunning Test-IsPSScriptRunning -PSScript string CommonParameters -PSScript
Write-SleepProgress Write-SleepProgress -Seconds int -ProcessName string CommonParameters -Seconds
Write-StdOutAndLog Write-StdOutAndLog -msg string -log string -Overwrite CommonParameters -msg
Write-TSWarning Write-TSWarning -Exception Object -Warning string CommonParameters -Exception