
Simulations comparing gllamm-style and pairwise-likelihood estimators

Primary LanguageR


Simulations comparing gllamm-style and pairwise-likelihood estimators for linear mixed models under complex sampling

Only covers the setting where the gllamm-style estimators work, so PSUs are the same as model clusters. The first six tables study efficiency under non-informative sampling; the last three study bias under unreasonably informative sampling.

fromStata.R has formatting code, so to replicate the tables in the preprint, do eg

round(100*cvtsum2(rval), 1)

Which files correspond to which tables?

table R code results
1 lmesim-eff.R lmesim-eff.rda
2 lmesim-eff1.R lmesim-eff1.rda
3 lmesim-eff-2.R lmesim-eff-2.rda
4 lmesim-eff3.R lmesim-eff3.rda
5 lmesim-eff-4.R lmesim-eff-4.rda
6 lmesim-small.R lmesim-small.rda
-- --- ---
7 lmesim-info-1.R lmesim-inf1.rda
8 lmesim-info-2.R lmesim-inf-2.rda
9 lmesim-info-3.R lmesim-inf-3.rda