This repository shows you theoretical fundamentals for typical reinforcement learning methods (model-free algorithms) with intuitive (but mathematical) explanations and several lines of Python code.
- Q-Learning
- Deep Q-Network (DQN) (off-policy)
- Policy Gradient method (on-policy)
- Actor Critic method
- PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) (on-policy)
- DDPG (Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient) (off-policy)
- SAC (Soft Actor-Critic) (off-policy)
All these examples are written in Python from scratch without any RL (reinforcement learning) libraries - such as, RLlib, Stable Baselines, etc.
See here (Minecraft example) for building scripts with RLlib library.
Note : To simplify, any example doesn't run inference as a batch. (The agent always runs inference one-by-one.)
To speed up, please apply batch in practice to collect data.
In all examples, I commonly use a widely used CartPole environment version 1.
See below for the specification of this environment (CartPole-v1
) - such as, actions, states (observations), and rewards.
Action Space - Type : Discrete(2)
: Push cart to the left1
: Push cart to the right
Observation Space - Type : Box(-num, num, (4,), float32)
- Cart Position
(-4.8, 4.8)
- Cart Velocity
(-inf, inf)
- Pole Angle
(-0.41, 0.41)
- Pole Velocity At Tip
(-inf, inf)
Reward - Type : float32
It always returns 1.0
as reward.
If completely succeeded, you can then take max 500.0
rewards in a single episode, because a single episode will be truncated on max 500
Done Flag (Termination and Truncation) - Type : bool
It returns the following 2 types of done flag, which is used to check whether the episode is done or not.
- Termination flag : When the agent fails and cannot work any more, termination flag is
, otherwiseFalse
. - Truncation flag : When the agent reaches to max 500 actions (successful at final action), truncation flag is
, otherwiseFalse
. (The agent cannot work any more, also in this case.)
Sample Code to run CartPole
Here is the sample source code to run CartPole agent.
source code (Python)
import gymnasium as gym
import random
def pick_sample():
return random.randint(0, 1)
env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
for i in range(1):
print("start episode {}".format(i))
done = False
s, _ = env.reset()
while not done:
a = pick_sample()
s, r, term, trunc, _ = env.step(a)
done = term or trunc
print("action: {}, reward: {}".format(a, r))
print("state: {}, {}, {}, {}".format(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3]))
output result
start episode 0
action: 0, reward: 1.0
state: 0.006784938861824417, -0.18766506871206354, 0.0287443864274386, 0.27414982492533896
action: 0, reward: 1.0
state: 0.0030316374875831464, -0.383185104857609, 0.03422738292594538, 0.5757584135859465
action: 1, reward: 1.0
state: -0.004632064609569034, -0.18855925062821827, 0.04574255119766431, 0.2940515065957076
Note : Call
when you want to show the current state in visual UI as follows.
Tsuyoshi Matsuzaki @ Microsoft