
A custom Python wrapper for Hyperledger Indy's Libindy library

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hyperledger Indy Logo


Build Status

This project is an enhanced version of Hyperledger's Python wrapper of the Indy SDK. It aims to provide easier usage than the original wrapper while also reducing the amount of coding required to add or edit the wrapper functions.



The SBCA-Indy-Wrapper is a pip-compatible Python package and can therefore be installed as such. Run the command below in the command line of your system to install the wrapper.

pip install sbca-indy-wrapper @ git+https://github.com/swisscom-blockchain/sbca-indy-wrapper.git


Use the wrapper like you would any other Python package.

import sbca_wrapper

sbca_wrapper.LIBINDY.logger.info('Hello from Libindy!')
from sbca_wrapper import Wallet

async def create_wallet():

    await Wallet.create_wallet(...)
from sbca_wrapper.error import WalletNotFoundError

raise WalletNotFoundError

You can also set some of Libindy's runtime configuration values.

from sbca_wrapper import LIBINDY


NOTE: Runtime configurations have to be set before using any other library functions!


Lead Development

Additional Development


  • Alvarado Flores Jorge - Technical Manager
  • Riva Luigi - Project Owner