
AMP 2020 Tutorial: Sentence stress using corpus data

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AMP 2020 Tutorial: Studying sentence stress using corpus data

Arto Anttila (Stanford University)

Naomi Tachikawa Shapiro (University of Washington)

AMP 2020, September 18-20, 2020

This tutorial builds on the following article:

Anttila, Arto, Timothy Dozat, Daniel Galbraith, and Naomi Shapiro. 2020. Sentence stress in presidential speeches. In Gerrit Kentner and Joost Kremers (eds.), Prosody in Syntactic Encoding, Walter De Gruyter: Berlin/Boston, pp. 17-50.

Here is a link to the official website of the book which contains the published and quotable version: https://www.degruyter.com/view/title/565464

A version that is not quotable, i.e., not the published version, is available at: https://web.stanford.edu/~anttila/research/anttila-dozat-galbraith-shapiro-august-5-2019.pdf