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Cyber Physical Co-simulation Platform for Distributed Energy Resources (CyDER)


CyDER is a modular and scalable tool for power system planning and operation that will work seamlessly with existing interconnection planning tools in the utilities and be interoperable with future utility software, data streams, and controls. CyDER will maintain and enhance the efficiency and reliability of the power system in a cost-effective and safe manner, being built on three pillars: quasi-static time series (QSTS) co-simulation and optimization, real-time data acquisition, and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) application.


Files can be downloaded individually, or as a whole repository.

See the Clone button on the top right for instructions and for programs that use a graphical user interfaces.

To download, edit and add files from a command line, install first a git program.

To download all files, run

git clone https://YOURLOGIN@bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/cyder.git

The edit a file, such as README.md, first edit the file, then enter

git commit -m "Revised README file" README.md
git push

To add new files, enter something like

git add filename.xyz
git commit -m "Added the file xxxx" filename.xyz
git push

To use the git command on Windows

  1. download and install a git client such as github desktop1

  2. open the Git Shell

  3. From the Git Shell command prompt,

    create a folder which should contain the files on the CyDER repository by typing

     mkdir cyder-repo
  4. change to the created folder by typing

     cd cyder-repo

From the Github Shell command prompt, you can execute any git command.

To download, edit, and add new files see the commands listed in the section above.


  1. In the installation process, you might be asked to log into your repository, just skip this section.