
Cyclad-punk comic in alternative 1830s

Primary LanguageCSS


A comic set in 1830s Greece.

Getting Started

  • Get Ruby Version Manager: \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
  • Get the right verions: rvm install ruby-2.3.3
  • And use it: rvm use ruby-2.3.3
  • Install the bundler: gem install bundler
  • Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/tsouk/iland-comic.git
  • Cd in the repo dir and install the requried gems: bundle install
  • Run the jekyll server: bundle exec jekyll serve

You should have a server up and running locally at http://localhost:4000.


The main settings happen in side of the _config.yml file:


Main settings for the site

  • title: name of your site

  • description: description of your site

  • logo: small logo for the site (300x * 300x)

  • cover: large background image on the index page

  • name: name site owner

  • email: mail address of the site owner

  • author: author name

  • author_image: small image of author (300x * 300px)

  • disqus: add a disqus forum for your post


The template allows to add all major social platforms to your site. Fill the the form for each platform. If you leave the share_* entries empty, the sharing buttons below a post are not shown. If you leave the url and desc empty the icons are not shown on the index page, but the share icons on the article pages remains untouched (Thanks to Phil)

  • icon: name of social platform (must match a name of font-awsome icon set )
  • url: url of your account
  • desc: slogan of the platform
  • share_url: share url
  • share_title: first part of url for the title
  • share_link: second part of the share url for the link to the post

The Liquid template engine will magical combine the different parts to a share url.


See _config.yml for more examples.


Download a set of images in jpg formata and put them in a separate folder in your worskspace. Rename all image files, starting from the latest number active +1 (eg. 00024.jpg -> 25), by using the following line in the folder with the image files. For latest number 25:

a=25; for i in *.jpg; do new=$(printf "%04d.jpg" "$a"); mv -i -- "$i" "$new"; let a=a+1; done

We use 20% size 80% JPEG quality thumbs for fatser loads. To make these you need the imagemagick library installed and then to run the following command from the assets/sketchbook_files directory:

mogrify -resize 20% -format jpg -quality 80 -path ../sketchbook_thumbs *.jpg


website + title scenes: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Libre+Baskerville?selection.family=Libre+Baskerville

Final Cut

File are put into directories by chapter number and title

├── 0_clouds
   ├── 0_clouds_pageXX
   ├── gr_0_clouds_pageXX
   ├── bw_0_clouds_pageXX
   ├── gr_bw_0_clouds_pageXX
   ├── web_0_clouds_pageXX
   ├── gr_web_0_clouds_pageXX

Helpful scripts

Crop all JPEGs in a folder (imagemagick)

for i in *.jpg; do convert $i -gravity Center -crop 1152x1691+0+0 converted_$i; done


Copyright of work comes by default in the UK