This analysis is about to predict whether income exceeds $50K/yr based on census data, also known as "Census Income" dataset. XGBoost is used to perform binary classification. This project involves data preparation, model training, evaluation, and prediction.
Becker,Barry and Kohavi,Ronny. (1996). Adult. UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Variable Name: Type, Demographic
- age: Integer, Age
- workclass: Categorical, Income
- fnlwgt: Integer, -
- education: Categorical, Education Level
- education-num: Integer, Education Level
- marital-status: Categorical, Other
- occupation: Categorical, Other
- relationship: Categorical, Other
- race: Categorical, Race
- sex: Binary Sex
- capital-gain: Integer, -
- capital-loss: Integer, -
- hours-per-week: Integer, -
- native-country: Categorical, Other
- income: Binary, Income
- Weighted Average Precision: 0.86
- Accuracy: 0.87