
A middleware filter to inspect API responses for security rules.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

A Security Blanket for your API

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When building an API, you have to always worry about data leaks: is it possible for a customer to accidentally view data for another customer? Does your API expose some information they shouldn't be permitted to see?

You can tell your engineers to check their database queries carefully, but even the tiniest mistake can leak customer data in a multi-tenant software-as-a-service environment.

With SecurityBlanket, you can add a second layer of protection: a middleware filter that verifies all your data before the API serves up a response.

Here's how to use it.

Step 1 - Add the middleware to your project

In your Program.cs file, mark all controllers to use the security blanket action filter.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add the Security Blanket middleware to all API responses
builder.Services.AddControllersWithViews(options =>

var app = builder.Build();

Step 2 - Give your API response objects security rules

Add the ICustomSecurity interface to your API response classes. This interface allows the object to determine whether or not it is permitted to be seen by the current HttpContext. This independent check will help you ensure that all database queries produce data the user is entitled to view.

Here's one way you could implement security on your objects:

public class MyApiResultObject : ICustomSecurity {
    public int AccountId { get; set; }
    bool IsVisible(HttpContext context)
        return this.AccountId == (int?)context.Items["accountId"];

If you have nested objects, you'll want to implement ICompoundSecurity. For data that isn't considered private, tag them with INoSecurity. You can easily audit all your objects to ensure that each of them has a valid security policy that can be tested against the API caller's HTTPContext.

Step 3 - Monitor your logs for security exceptions

If one of your APIs attempts to show an object to a user who isn't entitled to see it, you will get an exception. Track these exceptions and make sure that you track down all the sources of object visibility errors.

Step 4 - Use SecurityBlanket for custom validation

You can use the validator in your code outside of the API action filter as well:

var failures = await Validator.Validate(objectToValidate, context);