
CS145 Fall 2016 - Project 1A

Primary LanguageJava

* Please make sure you have Java 1.8

* Compile all the java programs in the directory by using the following command:
	javac *.java

* Run FPTree on the given sample.dat file under the sub-directory data as follows:
	java FPTree data_file min_support ["fp"|"pil"]
	java FPTree data/sample.dat 2 fp // Runs default fp tree algorithm with descending order f-list
	java FPTree data/sample.dat 2 pil // Runs pairwise item lift algorithm

* You need to provide the filename (along with its path) and the support as arguments.

* The programs outputs the following:
	- The tree size i.e. the number of nodes in the tree
	- The time required to build it
	- The average height of the tree
	- The average branching factor (spread) of the tree
	- The frequent itemsets along with its support
	- The statistics of the recursive calls