
A tool to manage the translation files of the ceph dashboard

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tool to manage the translation files of the ceph dashboard.


  • merge Adds missing tags to language files
  • help Shows the help dialog
  • -v Displays the version


You can either use the i18n tool with a config file (json) or set the options directly on the cli.

Note: The config file settings have a higher priority than the options on the cli


  • i18ntool merge -c <filename>
  • i18ntool merge <options>


  • --srcDir, --sourceDirectory (default '.') directory where the source file is expected
  • --tarDir, --targetDirectory (default '.') directory where the target files are expected (usually identical with srcDir)
  • --srcFile, --sourceFile (default 'messages.xlf') source file (relativ to srcDir)
  • -l, --languages Comma separated list of country codes. File naming convention: messages.<country-code>.xlf (relativ to tarDir)
  • --removeUnusedIds (default 'true') determine if unused IDs should be removed during merge
  • -q, --quiet (default 'false') quiet ouput. Errors will be displayed.

For more information, see the file i18ntool.example.json