

Primary LanguageVim script

My dotfiles


Clone this repo into ~/.dotfiles:

git clone git@github.com:tsrandrei/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

Then install the dotfiles:

cd .dotfiles

This rake task will not replace existing files, but it will replace existing symlinks.

The dotfiles will be symlinked, e.g. ~/.bash_profile symlinked to ~/.dotfiles/bash_profile.

To use fzf in Vim (or the shell), install it with:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf

I intentionally do not install fzf via Vim, because I couldn't get it working well when sharing dotfiles beteeen a macOS host and a Linux guest.

You are expected to have Node installed with a new-enough version to make coc.nvim happy.

You are expected to have the solargraph gem installed to use coc.nvim with Ruby. If you use asdf, you should get this automatically when you install a new Ruby version via .default-gems. Otherwise use gem install solargraph.

In Vim, run this to install plugins:


Don't forget to replace the name and email in gitconfig if you're not Henrik :p


Uses vim-plug for plugins.

To add plugins:

  • Edit ~/.vim/config/plugins.vim
  • :so %
  • :PlugInstall

To remove plugins:

  • Edit ~/.vim/config/plugins.vim
  • :so %
  • :PlugClean


Make it integrate with the OS X system clipboard:

brew install reattach-to-user-namespace


The extras directory contains additional configuration files that are not dotfiles:

  • VibrantInk.itermcolors is a colorscheme for iTerm2 (source).

  • On a new Mac:

    • Run brew bundle --file ~/.dotfiles/extras/Brewfile to install the apps I want.
    • Run ~/.dotfiles/extras/os_x_defaults.sh in the Terminal to change some silly defaults.