
Yet Another Docker Container for Apache Spark

Yet Another Docker Container for Apache Spark 1.5.1 (Hadoop 2.6).


Per default the image starts with the Spark Shell for interactive analysis with 2 cores: docker run -i -t tssp/apache-spark.

This can be also overwritten by specifying the command to execute, e.g. docker run -i -t tssp/apache-spark spark-shell --master local[4].

A cluster mode is also supported. For convenience this mode can be started by simply executing docker-compose up. This spins up a Spark master and one work with one 1 core and 1gb memory. The cluster can be monitored via the Web-UI on the master: http://localhost:8080 .

The number of workers can be increased by executing the scale command, e.g. docker-compose scale worker-node=5. Note: Since all worker nodes run on the same host the Web-UI port can't published on the same port and is therefore omitted.


Follow the instructions on https://docs.docker.com/installation and https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ to install Docker Engine and Docker Compose.

Build Docker Container

The container can be built by executing docker build -t tssp/apache-spark ..