
Simple ECS addon for godot v3.5.1

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ECS addon for godot v3.5.1

Simple ECS addon for godot v3.5.1

This addon doesn't focus on performance, due to it was written on GDScript, so there is no point to count msecs and care about memory etc. Main target is simple api and usability, so feel free to change the code the way you want.

❗ code snippets like some_class.function(param:int=0) doesn't fit GDScript syntax and represents only for methods signature demonstration


🔶 Key features

  • any Object can be a component
  • readonly components
  • handy entity filtering outside System class
  • nodes binding with entity

🔶 Addon classes

  • Entity - a class of components container
  • EntitySignature - a static class allowing you matching entities with specified components set
  • EntityFilter - class which gets filtered entities from ECS
  • ECS - autoload which binds all together
  • System - system implementation as Node

🔶 Components

To create component just assign COMPONENT_TYPE property to any instance. ECS detects components exacly by its existence. There is no point is it Object or AnimationPlayer, so you can control any scene with ease how you do it without using ECS. Example:

extends Node2D

class_name C_JustNode2D

const COMPONENT_TYPE = "C_JustNode2D" # this line makes C_JustNode2D a component

Readonly status sets by ECS.set_component_readonly(component:Object) autoload (see 'ECS autoload' section)

🔶 ECS autoload

Autoload keeping all filters and entites existing now.

You can register an entity filter for giving it a matching entities:


Unregister it for stop monitoring entities for it:


Register entity for passing it into filters it matches:


Unregister it for remove from all registered filters and stop passing it into them:


But usually you shouldn't register and unregister entity manually, Entity do it for you, what wrong for entity filters.

Also you can call ECS.revise_entity(entity:Entity) for adding and removing it from filters. It useful when entity got or lost component and should be added or removed from filter because of changing it components set. But like registration you shouldn't call this method, it will be automatically called in Entity class in methods changing entity components set.

You can call ECS.clear_entities() for freeing all registered entities.

And finally, ECS singleton provides you methods for checking if object is component, set and check component readonly status:




🔶 Entities

You can create entities by Entity class. Its constructor takes two optional arguments:

var entity : Entity = Entity.new(components:Array=[], # list of components instances
                                 autoregister:bool=true) # will it be automatically registered in ECS (see 'ECS autoload' section)

It has the signals below:

signal enter_ecs # emittied when entity registered in ECS
signal exit_ecs # emmited when entity unregistered in ECS

Control entity components with the methods below:

entity.add_component(comp_instance:Object,  # component instance
                      readonly:bool=false,  # readonly components cannot be removed or overwritten (component's data still can be modified)
                      overwrite:bool=false) # allows or not overwriting existing component with the same name as comp_instance has if has it

# removes component with specified typename if it isn't readonly
# prints message if has no component with specified typename or it was set as readonly

entity.has_component(comp_type:String) # returns whether entity has component with specified typename

# returns component instance with specified typename
# otherwise just returns null

entity.get_all_components() # returns an array with all components instances

entity.get_all_components_names() # returns an array with all components typenames

Also you can specify nodes which will be freed at the same time entity will be freed:

entity.bind_node(node:Node) # entity will call `node.queue_free()` when deleted
                            # of course, you can bind several nodes

You can safely free entity like any other object:

entity.free() # it will automatically do needed things

🔶 Entity signature

EntitySignature is a statuc class for checking entity for having and not specified components. Just create dictionary as in example below:

var signature = {
	EntitySignature.NECESSARY_STRING : ["C_MyComponent"],
	EntitySignature.BANNED_STRING : ["C_NotThat"]

or using EntitySignature.create_signature(necessary:Array, banned:Array=[]):

var signature = EntitySignature.create_signature(["C_MyComponent"],  ["C_NotThat"])

Where EntitySignature.NECESSARY_STRING and EntitySignature.BANNED_STRING by default is "NECESSARY_COMPONENTS" and "BANNED_COMPONENTS" accordingly.

Then check does entity match specified component set:

EntitySignature.match_entity(signature:Dictionary, entity:Entity)

If the signature has no necessary and banned, it will return true.

🔶 Entity filter

Class, instance of which can be registered in ECS autoload (see 'ECS autoload' section) and get valid entities from it. Just specify necessary and, optionally, banned components typenames:

var entity_filter : EntityFilter = EntityFilter.new(signature:Dictionary) # specify valid components set

And you should register it for able it getting entities:


After it valid entities will automatically be added to valid_entites array:

entity_filter.valid_entites # keeps all valid entities

Also you can register filter, after it its valid_entities will be cleaned and wouldn't be touched by ECS until re-registration:


It has signals:

signal entity_added(entity) # emmited when valid entity added to valid_entitites array
signal entity_removed(entity) # emmited when entity leaves valid_entities because of any reason

signal was_registered # emitted after filter got valid entities
signal pre_unregister # emitted before valid entities cleaned

And you can monitor EntityFilter registration status by:


🔶 Systems

Addon provides you simple system implementation with System class. Just override this three methods:

# here system logic
on_entity_process(entity:Entity, # entity to process
                  delta:float)   # the same as delta in `_process`

# returns an array of necessary components

# returns an array of banned components

Activate and deactivate it with related export variable.

But you can create any system implementation you want using EntityFilter.