
Extremely simple yet fully functional ECS framework for Godot 4.0

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Quick Start


To start, attach EcsWorld.gd to a node and reference it in other scripts.

You can also create an instance of EcsWorld by code:

var world:EcsWorld = EcsWorld.new()

Create an entity from the world. Entities are simply integers.

var entity:int = world.create_entity()

Add a component to the entity. Component types are StringName, and values are not statically typed.

var component_type:StringName = "Tooltip"
world.add_component(entity, component_type, "This is the value of the component.")

Consider defining component types as const in a file.

# Ecs.gd
class_name Ecs

const Burning: StringName = "Ecs_Component_Burning"
const Speed: StringName = "Ecs_Component_Speed"
const Tooltip: StringName = "Ecs_Component_Tooltip"

Then add component like this:

world.add_component(entity, Ecs.Burning, true)
world.add_component(entity, Ecs.Speed, 1.25)

Or you can define components like normal types:

# GridPosition.gd
class_name GridPosition

const type: StringName = "Ecs_Component_GridPosition"

var x_axis: int
var y_axis: int

func _init(x: int, y: int):
  x_axis = x
  y_axis = y

And use it:

world.add_component(entity, GridPosition.type, GridPosition.new(3, 6))


You can get EcsRef from the world as a wrapper of entity integer.

EcsRef provides shorter and intuitive APIs for convenience.

var ent:EcsRef = world.create_entity_to_ref()

ent.add(Ecs.Speed, 1.25)

if ent.exist() && ent.has(Ecs.Speed):
  ent.update(Ecs.Speed, 1.8)

var recent_speed = ent.get_value(Ecs.Speed) 

Be careful that to get a component's value you call get_value() not get().

This is error-prone, but get() is inherited from Object and there is no way to override it.


Extend EcsSystem and override functions like is_observing to react to component events.

# BurningSystem.gd
extends EcsSystem

func is_observing(component) -> bool:
  return component == Ecs.Burning

func on_added(entity, component, value):
  # do things when component is added to entity.

func on_removed(entity, component, value):
  # do things when component is removed from entity.

func on_updated(entity, component, before, after):
  # do things when component is updated on entity.

To use it, attach BurningSystem.gd to a node, and link EcsWorld node via the editor.


With EcsFilter you can query entities with conditions.

var filter:EcsFilter = EcsFilter.new()

# add first condition.

# add second condition.

# when a target is set, filter will be applied and updated constantly,
# and can no longer add conditions.

# returns an array of entities that have Burning but not Speed.
var entities:Array[int] = filter.get_matched_entities

Setup functions can be chained.

var filter = EcsFilter.new().include(Ecs.Burning).exclude(Ecs.Speed).set_target(world)

Dispose a filter when it is no longer needed (for the sake of memory and performance.)

# this removes filter from the world, so it can be freed safely.

# function from Object class.


EcsRef can be converted to EcsRefNullable and vise versa.

EcsRefNullable will skip operations when the entity does not exist, while EcsRef will throw errors.

var ent:EcsRef = world.create_entity_to_ref()
var nullable:EcsRefNullable = ent.to_nullable()

ent.destroy() # removes the entity from the world.

nullable.add(Ecs.Speed, 1.5) # will do nothing.
ent.add(Ecs.Speed, 1.5) # will throw an error.