
Plots the data of your card games in a graph.

Primary LanguagePython


Tool to visualize the data from your card games

Directory Structure

Save your data in an csv. The direcotry structure is as follows. In the 'data' directory you create a directory for your game. In this directory you create a directory, which is called 'raw'. In there you can store the .csv. I would suggest to name the csv, the date on which you played the game. The format should then be '%d-%m-%Y'.

This is structue is shown with the example.csv.example

In this file you can also see, how the csv file has to be setup.

Running the plotter

You run the programm with the command

pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py

You can add the following parameters:

  • "-g=<game>", where game is the directory of the name you want to plot
  • "-c", Counts the non zero entries
  • "-d=<date>", with specifing the name (here the date) of the csv you can only plot a single file

Otherwise you can use the docker-container with the commands from the Makefile.

make build-image
make container
make run

When using the Makefile the parameters are set with the Makefile Variables "GAME" (-g) and "DAY" (-d). The counter can be activated with running:

make run-counter

instead of

make run

Differences between plotting all and one file

Plotting all files usually takes the last entry in the list.

When plotting a single file it shows by default all values as a graph.


As I am german, for now it is parsing the entries in the csv with the german words. Keep this in mind. I will change this later.