
Plain JavaScript code for highlighting Z80 assembly on your page,

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

status.badge language.badge license.badge


Pure JavaScript code for highlighting Z80 assembly on your page. It recognizes plain Z80 and SDCC assembly directives.



To use the syntax highlighter, copy three files from the repository into your project:

  • The stylesheet css/z80high.css
  • The JavaScript code js/z80high.js and
  • The woff font font/luculent.woff

Add stylesheet and JavaScript to your html and put your code into a pre lang="z80" block.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/z80high.css'>
    <script src='js/z80high.js' defer></script>
    <pre lang="z80">
        ;; sample z80 code
        .org    0x8000
        ld      a,#0xaa
        ld      hl,#16384
        ld      (hl),a