
Utility methods to make creating scaffolding commands with jake easier

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The purpose of jake-scaffolder is to make it easier to create Jakefiles which generate files, particularly those with a lot of boilerplate.

Let's do a scenario

Say you write a lot of jQuery plugins and you want to make a fast way within your project to create a new one. You want to run the command

$ jake newplugin[Example]

And have a file that looks like this, automatically be created in ./plugins/example.jquery.js:

(function($) {
    $.fn.example = function(method) {


So let's start simple. You create a new Jakefile in your project root and setup a blank task...

desc('Create a new jQuery Plugin');
task('newplugin', function(pluginName){

Great. So the first thing we need to take care of, is we don't want to accidentally create a new boilerplate file over top of a file that already exists. Jake-scaffolder gives us an easy way to do this. Let's update our task in the Jakefile.

var scaffold = require('jake-scaffolder').scaffold;

desc('Create a new jQuery Plugin');
task('newplugin', function(pluginName){
    scaffold(function(act, need, conf){
        // Context
        conf.set('pluginName', pluginName);

        // Prereqs

If we were to run the task right now, and the file existed, we'd get an error on the console:

$ jake newplugin[example]

  =>  C:\Example\plugin\example.jquery.js already exists. Quitting.

Cool. Now that we think about it, we should probably make sure the /plugins/ directory exists too, so our scaffolding script doesn't barf all over itself if we later rename that folder.

desc('Create a new jQuery Plugin');
task('newplugin', function(pluginName){
    scaffold(function(act, need, conf){
        // Context
        conf.set('pluginName', pluginName);
        // Prereqs

So far, not so bad, right? If we were to run our task nothing much exciting would happen. The real meat of the task is generating a new file, so let's get to that.

We need a place to store our boilerplate templates for easy access, so we'll create a new folder in ./_jaketemplates in our project dir. In this folder, we'll create a new file.

// file: plugin-boilerplate.js
(function($) {
    $.fn.[pluginName.lower] = function(method) {


We can now update our task to generate a new version of that file when the task is run.

desc('Create a new jQuery Plugin');
task('newplugin', function(pluginName){
    var newPluginPath = './plugins/[pluginName.lower].jquery.js';
    scaffold(function(act, need, conf){        
        // Context
        conf.set('pluginName', pluginName);
        // Prereqs

        // Generate
        act.renderFile('./_jaketemplates/plugin-boilerplate.js', newPluginPath);

Running the task, we'd then end up with a new file in our /plugins/ folder.

$ jake newplugin[example]

After a little while you realize you're also often createing a CSS file to go with the plugin, and putting it in it's own sub-directory.

We can go back to our _jaketemplate folder and now create the following...


Our task gets updated with a few minor changes.

desc('Create a new jQuery Plugin');
task('newplugin', function(pluginName){
    scaffold(function(act, need, conf){
        // Context
        conf.set('pluginName', pluginName);
        // Prereqs
        need.dirEmpty('./plugins/' + pluginName);

        // Generate
        act.mkdir('./plugins/' + pluginName)
        act.renderFolder('./_jaketemplates/newplugin', './plugins/' + pluginName);

And that's what jake-scaffold does. There are a lot more tricks it has up it's sleeve. Check out the (future) wiki for more details.


The following methods are supported.

need.exists(file)           // The file or directory must exist to continue
need.fileExists(file)       // Same as .exists, but a clearer name
need.dirExists(dir)         // Same as .exists, but a clearer name
need.doesntExist            // The file or directory must not exist to continue
need.fileDoesntExist        // Same as .doesntExist, but a clearer name
need.dirDoesntExist         // Same as .doesntExist, but a clearer name
need.dirEmpty               // The directory must have no files in it to continue
need.dirNotEmpty            // The directory must have at least one file in it to continue


The following actions are supported.

act.mkdir(dir)                                  // Create the specified directory
act.createFile(content, dest)                   // Create a new file, with the given content
act.createEmptyFile(dest)                       // Create a new, blank file
act.renderStringToFile(str, dest)               // Render the string and save it to a new file
act.renderFile(source, dest)                    // Render a template file (source)
act.renderFolder(source, dest)                  // Render every file in the dir to the destination dir
act.replaceInFile(source, find, repl, options)  // Replace the "find" within the source with "repl"
act.replaceInDir(source, find, repl, options)   // Replace the "find" within the source with "repl" for every file in the source dir


Any arbitrary value can be added to conf. The values on conf will be available when rendering.

conf.get(key)               // Return the current value of key
conf.set(key, val)          // Set the value of key to val

In addition, there are some special conf values that do things.

templateDir                 // The default location for templates when rendering a file/folder
startTag                    // The start of the replace tag.  Default:  \\[
endTag                      // The end of the replace tag.  Default:  \\]