
Saved for posterity, never to be used.

Primary LanguageVisual Basic

What follows is, quite frankly, how much of an idiot I was at age 17. This is the oldest piece of code written by myself that I have been able to locate. Saved here on Github for posterity. Every time I read the README I shake my head in disapproval. The gem about "fruity monkey production" at the bottom is also a "classic."

Note that at the time in 1998 markdown hadn't been invented yet. I've left most of the original text syntax intact.

Table of Whatevers:

  1. Intro
  2. Basic Use
  3. Events
  4. Other Stuff
  5. More Stuff


ok, this is version 1.2 of scrambler score keeper. i fixed that smart mistake i made. (lol) it now can send scores that works with any version of aol, and you can specify the "sendchat" method you want.

Basic Use:

the use hasn't changed much. To add a name simply use this code:

score1.addnameandscore "the name", 6

i've noticed that my control acts funny sometimes when you use parenthesis like:

score1.addnameandscore ("the name",6)

it's will give you an error. just remove the parenthesis. here's the syntax: score1.addnameandscore Name, Score

easy huh?


It responds to numerous events. here's a list of the one's i added:

Event Click()
	Responds when control is clicked
Event DblClick()
	Responds when control is double clicked
Event KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
	Responds when a key is pressed down
Event KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
	Responds when a key is pressed period
Event KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
	Responds when a key is let up
Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single)
	Responds when the mouse button is clicked down
Event MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single) 
	Responds when the mouse moves over the control
Event MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single) 
	Responds when the mouse button is realesed
Event SendScore(Score As String)
	Responds when the sub SendScore is activated

Other Stuff:

How to send the score. I forgot to add this in version 1.0 so here's how i fixed it:

start by activating the sub SendScore:


then in the event SendScore put code like this:

dim b as integer
if b% < 4 then
sendchat "yourASCIIº°" & Score
elseif b% = 4 then
timeout 2.6
sendchat "yourASCIIº°" & Score
b% = 0
end if

a little more complicated than adding a name but pretty easy.

some of the properties act really stupid so don't gripe to me if they don't work right. i don't know why. some do work though, so before basing an application on a property test it out first. i don't really provide help with properties unless it's directly related to the use of the control. sorry.

I've also included an example of use with this control. look at that to see how it's done, and i don't mind if you just copy and paste the code.

Other Stuff:

i'm going to be improving on this control and making the stupid properties work ALL of the time. i'm sorry for any trouble or frustration i've caused but you must realize something. i've realesed this as freeware and so it comes with no guarentee or warenty. if you have any suggestions, questions, comments, or need help you can e-mail/IM me at: XSuprGeekX@aol.com


ps i can't spel fur beens

		a fruity monkey production © ® 1998