
TextMyBusMIA: SMS Interface for Miami Dade Transit Bus Systems.

Primary LanguagePHP


What's the purpose of this?

"Text My Bus MIA" is an SMS system that enables the user to text the ID number of his or her bus stop and receive a message with upcoming bus times for that stop. The goal is to provide easy access to updated bus schedules for low-income individuals and other Miami-Dade County residents and visitors who rely on public transportation for commuting and getting around the county.

Demo-ing the prototype

  • SMS in the Twilio test phone number: (786) 629-6468

  • SMS can be in the format: "STOP [ID OF THE STOP] BUS [ROUTE NAME OF BUS]"

  • For example: "STOP 2884 BUS 101"

  • At this time, bus stops in Miami do not return the IDs of the stop. You can find Bus stop IDs in the format: "STOP AT [DIRECTION NUMBER] ST & [DIRECTION NUMBER] AVE, MIAMI FL"

  • For example: "STOP AT NW 79 ST & 7 AVE, MIAMI FL" returns the following: "Westbound stop # 713, Northbound stop # 519, Southbound stop # 511, Eastbound stop # 705"

  • To get the next bus lines use the following formats:

  1. "STOP 713"
  2. "STOP 713 BUS 112"

How to set this up

  • Create a web server, basic LAMP stack (Requires PHP 5.3 and above)
  • Clone the repo
  • Download composer (package manager) curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php php composer.phar install
  • Create a test Twilio account and set up the SMS hook to the web server, pointing to answer-sms.php
  • Config file is in /config/config.php.dist - you put in the twilio send number, sid and auth_token. Don't forget to config your MySQL database in the db section accordingly. We parse the data from the feeds array under "gtfs_exchange".
  • In the cli there's a command-line PHP script called update_gtfs.php - you can run this manually or set up a cron job.
  • The transit data is in GTFS format: http://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference - We converted the GTFS formatted file into SQL in the data folder, under gtfs_tables.sql

Open issues & Future Feature Requests

  • Right now, the bus IDs are in the GTFS data and - unfortunately - not part of the bus stop sign. As a workaround, we are playing around with taking a bus line and assigning a simple code for a stop. We are focusing on the South Beach Local (123) - Route ID #12782 in GTFS.
  • Translations in Spanish and Haitian Creole
