unjenkins provides pub-sub monitoring for Jenkins jobs using web sockets!
- un-jenkins provides a rest response containing the recent build outcomes of all the jobs within a given view, enabling batch consumption of real-time Jenkins metrics.
- It takes many api calls to talk to Jenkins, which we all surely want to do less of to do a quick checkup on the health of our pipelines.
- Data is real time and only includes up to the last 5 (value is configurable) builds retained within Jenkins.
- It enables anyone to create a simple browser socket client that can visualize or consume the LIVE data, such as the unjenkins-client
- Caches data according to a configurable timeout, alleviating concerns about overburdening Jenkins.
- Fast! un-jenkins uses Jersey, Jackson, and embedded Jetty to handle all http/json. Calls to Jenkins are multi-threaded so you don't have to wait to get to that sweet sweet candy.
- Build instructions: Run mvn package on the repository and a single jar file will be created in the target folder. This is an UBER jar! It contains all of the dependencies needed to run, including the web server!
- Distribution is easy. Place this jar file wherever you would like to run un-jenkins and fire off the command "java -jar unjenkins-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar". The exact file name of the jar will depend on the version that was built. The server will start, the default port is 8080, although this can be changed by passing in an argument for port number "java -jar unjenkins-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 8888"