
Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


pivotjs is a Javascript library which calculate pivot table data for multiple rows and columns with multiple measure.

How to use


pivotjs is avaliable as npm library, so just call npm install command to install this.

npm install pivotjs[ --save]

Prepare data

pivotjs manipulate Array typed data with Objects as following.

var records = [
  { category: 'A', data: 'a1', date: '2016-01-01', month: '2016-01', day: '01', value: 100},
  { category: 'A', data: 'a1', date: '2016-01-01', month: '2016-01', day: '01', value: 50},
  { category: 'A', data: 'a2', date: '2016-01-01', month: '2016-01', day: '01', value: 20},
  { category: 'B', data: 'b1', date: '2016-01-02', month: '2016-01', day: '02', value: 150},
  { category: 'B', data: 'b2', date: '2016-01-03', month: '2016-01', day: '03', value: 200},
  { category: 'C', data: 'c1', date: '2016-01-01', month: '2016-01', day: '01', value: 100},
  { category: 'C', data: 'c2', date: '2016-02-01', month: '2016-02', day: '01', value: 10}

Params for pivot


measure param is Array with measure objects which has key, format and aggregation attributes. pivotjs provides some aggregation function as following


Example for measure param is following.

var measures = [
    key: 'value',
    name: 'SUM',
    format: 'int',
    aggregation: 'sum'
    key: 'value',
    name: 'AVERAGE',
    format: 'float',
    aggregation: 'average'

Dimension(rows and cols)

Params for rows and cols are same object structure which has id(key) and sort attribute, but sort is object and has 2 types('self' and 'measure') like following. For sort by self value (i.e.: using value A, B, C in this case)

var rows = [
    id: 'category',
    sort: {
      type: 'self',
      ascending: true

Or for sort by measure value (i.e.: using value 170, 350, 10 in this case), key#sort is the columns key which is used by as sort value.

var rows = [
    id: 'category',
    sort: {
      type: 'measure',
      measureIndex: 0,
      ascending: false

If you want to populate pivot data with multiple rows, you just put another dimension object into rows array.

var rows = [
    id: 'category',
    sort: {
      type: 'measure',
      measureIndex: 0,
      ascending: false
    id: 'data',
    sort: {
      type: 'self',
      ascending: true

This is same for cols.

var cols = [
    id: 'month',
    sort: {
      type: 'self',
      ascending: true
    id: 'day',
    sort: {
      type: 'self',
      ascending: true

Populate data

Just create Pivot class instance with argument object which has records, measures, rows, cols param object And call populate method.

var params = {
  records: records,
  measures: measures,
  rows: rows,
  cols: cols
var pivot = new Pivot(params);

Get populated data

Get row keys and col keys

getSortedRowKeys(or getSortedColKeys)#pivot returns Each possible keys for rows or cols.

var rowKeys = pivot.getSortedRowKeys();
[['A', 'a1'], ['A', 'a2'], ['B', 'b1'], ['B', 'b2'], ['C', 'c1'],['C', 'c2']]

var colKeys = pivot.getSortedColKeys();
[['2016-01', '01'], ['2016-01', '02'], ['2016-01', '03'], ['2016-02', '01']]

Get data

values(rowKey, colKey)#pivot returns Array of measures which has populated data for specified row and col key. For example, if you want to get data for row:['A', 'a1'] and col:['2016-01', '01'] do like following.

var values = pivot.values(rowKeys[0], colKeys[0]);
150 // value for measure[0] i.e. summed value

75 // value for measure[1] i.e. averaged value


npm run build


npm run test