A distributed framework based on Monte Carlo tree search for accelerating molecular discovery. DP-ChemTS is the distributed parallel version of our publish ChemTS library. DP-ChemTS implemented three distributed parallel methods: Distributed leaf parallel, distributed tree parallel and distributed tree parallel with virtual loss(is used to reduce the search overhead).
3.Cluster machines
- Other requirements for ChemTS.
- Distributed leaf parallel.
cd leaf_parallel_test/simulation1/4core
run: mpiexec -n 4 python mpi_thread_leaf_parallel.py
- Distributed tree parallel.
cd tree_parallel_test/simulation1/4core
run: mpiexec -n 4 python mpi_thread_chemts_tree_parallel.py
- Distributed tree parallel with virtual loss.
cd virtual_loss_test/simulation1/4core
run: mpiexec -n 4 python mpi_thread_chemts_tree_vl.py