
Table of Contents generated with DocToc

Fish Setup

  • Install Fish
git clone -b <current_stable_version_branch>
cd fish-shell && sudo make install
  • Set fish as default terminal
# Add fish path (you can get via `$(which fish) ` to /etc/shells.
sudo vim /etc/shells
chsh -s $(which fish)
  • add paths You should add some module paths (like brew, nvim) like below in .config/fish/
fish_add_path /opt/homebrew/bin
fish_add_path /opt/homebrew/bin/nvim

If you using conda, run the folowing command in your default terminal.

conda init fish

This command will modify .config/fish/ automatically.

Fish HomePage

  • Install oh-my-fish

Install oh-my-fish

  • Install Fish Theme
omf install bobthefish

bobthefish theme github

Install nodejs

  • install nodejs (via fnm)

Install additional dependencies

  • install tree-sitter-cli
npm install -g tree-sitter-cli

Markdown settings

  • install prettier with mason
# Open nvim and run the following command
:MasonInstall prettier
  • install markdownlint with mason
# Open nvim and run the following command
:MasonInstall markdownlint

Install viu

Python settings

  1. Run npm i -g pyright to install pyright for nvim-lspconfig.
  2. Run :TSInstall python for nim-treesitter.
  3. Activate python virtual env before open neovim.
  4. Modify vim.g.python3_host_prog={YOUR_PYTHON_ENV_PATH} in init.lua.
  5. Install pynvim into your python environment.

Format settings

  • add below line to /lua/plugins/null-ls.lua
    -- some settings
  • Install flake8 and black If your virtual environment contains these packages, just activate your virtual environment before open neovim. Else, install via Mason

NOTE:_ You can configure these packages using file (e.g. .flake8, pyproject.toml).

Terraform settings

  • add the following line to /lua/plugins/null-ls.lua
    -- some settings

Github settings

  • add the following line to /lua/plugins/null-ls.lua
    -- some settings

Yaml settings

  • add the following line to /lua/plugins/null-ls.lua
    -- some settings