Thank you for your cooperation!

This is a repository of sample projects for user experiment.

Sample projects are as follows:

  1. FizzBuzz
    • 有名問題のFizzBuzz
  2. DecimalConverter
    • 与えられた10進数の整数を2進数, 8進数, 10進数, 16進数で返す
  3. Triangle
    • 与えられた3つの整数の組でできる三角形の形状(正三角形など)を返す
  4. Person
    • オブジェクト指向プログラミングの問題。与えられた性別と名前に応じた挨拶(Say hello)をしてくる。


  1. Git
  2. Java
  3. Maven
  4. Eclipse or IntelliJ (Optional,but strong recommendation)

How to Do

  • Clone and Compile
 $ cd workspace
 $ git clone
 $ cd autoput-example
 $ mvn compile test-compile dependency:copy-dependencies 
  • Change Git Branch
 $ git checkout -b yourname
  • Implement

You get 10 minutes for each project. I'd like you to implement test cases to achieve higher branch coverage. Even after your test cases get 100% coverage, I'd like you to write more test cases.

  • Run Test Cases
 $ sh/ FizzBuzz CUT test
 $ sh/ DecimalConverter CUT test
 $ sh/ Triangle CUT test
 $ sh/ Person CUT test
 $ sh/ FizzBuzz PUT test
 $ sh/ DecimalConverter PUT test
 $ sh/ Triangle PUT test
 $ sh/ Person PUT test
  • Measure coverage
 $ sh/ FizzBuzz CUT jacoco
 $ sh/ DecimalConverter CUT jacoco
 $ sh/ Triangle CUT jacoco
 $ sh/ Person CUT jacoco
 $ sh/ FizzBuzz PUT jacoco
 $ sh/ DecimalConverter PUT jacoco
 $ sh/ Triangle PUT jacoco
 $ sh/ Person PUT jacoco
  • See Coverage Report
 $ open target/site/jacoco/index.html
  • Answer Questions & Write Informal Comment
    • Questions
      • Which is more readable, CUT or PUT?
        • from 1 (CUT) to 5 (PUT)
      • Do you think PUT can separate test procedures and parameters?
        • from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree)
    • Informal Comments
      • CUT's good points and bad points
      • PUT's good points and bad points
 $ vim yourname.txt
  • Push Your Work
 $ git add src/test/java/*.java
 $ git add yourname.txt
 $ git commit -m "User experiment: Your Name"
 $ git push origin yourname
  • Thank you for your cooperation!

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