
This blockchain explorer will allow users to search for blocks, transactions, and addresses using the WhatsOnChain API to fetch blockchain data.

Primary LanguageSolidity

Timechain Explorer

Timechain Explorer is a blockchain explorer application that allows users to search for blocks, transactions, and addresses using the WhatsOnChain API.


  • Search for Blocks: Enter a block hash or height to get details.
  • Search for Transactions: Enter a transaction ID (TXID) to get details.
  • Search for Addresses: Enter a blockchain address to get details.

User Journey

  1. Home Page
    • Search bar with options to search by block, transaction, or address.
  2. Search for Blocks
    • Enter block hash or height and view block details.
  3. Search for Transactions
    • Enter transaction ID and view transaction details.
  4. Search for Addresses
    • Enter blockchain address and view address details.

API Endpoints

Using the WhatsOnChain API:

  • Get Block by Hash: /api/v1/bsv/block/hash/{blockhash}
  • Get Block by Height: /api/v1/bsv/block/height/{blockheight}
  • Get Transaction by ID: /api/v1/bsv/tx/hash/{txid}
  • Get Address Details: /api/v1/bsv/address/{address}

Backend Endpoints:

  • Search Block: /api/search/block
  • Search Transaction: /api/search/transaction
  • Search Address: /api/search/address

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/sameekruth27/Blockchain-Explorer.git
  2. Install dependencies
    npm install
  3. Start the application
    npm start