
Seerberos Feeds is a Twitter bot for cybersecurity and information security news.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Seerberos Feeds is a Twitter bot for cybersecurity and information security news.


Seerberos is currently able to update its status, retweet by seaching for given queries, retweet from a given user, post a quote of the day. Especially, in the config.pyfile you can change the following default values:

query = '#cybersecurity OR #infosec OR #security OR #privacy -filter:retweets -filter:replies'
tweetsNo = 10
user_screen_name = 'tsumarios'

Note that this project currently works with a free Twitter Developer plan and it's deployed on PythonAnywhere, thus it can't post - the feature is implemented anyway - quotes of the day because of the free account limitations.


Seerberos is developed in Python using Twitter APIs. The main modules and dependecies which make this tool to work properly are:

  • Tweepy - an easy-to-use Python library for accessing the Twitter API
  • Schedule - an in-process scheduler for periodic jobs that uses the builder pattern for configuration


Seerberos needs access to a set of keys and tokens generated by a Twitter Developer App. These values are required to be exported as path variables, in order to make the bot using them, as follows:

export CONSUMER_KEY="<your_consumer_key>"
export CONSUMER_SECRET="<your_consumer_secret>"
export TOKEN_KEY="<your_token_key>"
export TOKEN_SECRET="<your_token_secret>"

You can start the bot by simply opening your favourite Terminal and typing:

python3 main.py


The project is developed with ♥ by Mario Raciti.


For any questions or suggetions, please feel free to contact me:

  • Email: marioraciti@pm.me
  • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/marioraciti
  • Twitter: twitter.com/tsumarios


  • Add more features and improve tweets quality.

Enjoy Seerberos!