
Experimental re-definition of Julia BLAS routines

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Note: This is experimental code, intended as a temporary fix, and not for production use.

This package works with Julia v1.7.0 only.

The SetBlasInt package exports a single function, setblasint, which re-defines methods inside the LinearAlgebra.BLAS module to use a specified type of integer in calls to linear algebra subroutines. (The redefinition is done via eval on code modified from julia/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/blas.jl)

This allows for re-directing calls to libraries with 32 bit integer arguments, loaded via libblastrampoline, even in 64-bit builds of Julia.

The simplest use is:

using SetBlasInt
setblasint(Int32, :all) 

which redefines all the methods that setblasint knows about to use 32-bit integers. (Currently this encompasses just the gemm and syrk methods.)

Alternatively, the methods to be redefined can be listed individually. For example:

setblasint(Int32, :sgemm, :ssyrk)

will only re-define the "s" (Float32) versions of BLAS.gemm! and BLAS.syrk!.

Of course, for this to work, an external BLAS library must first be loaded using lbt_forward. For example, this will load BLAS from the Accelerate framework on a Mac:

using LinearAlgebra

Footnote: The re-definitions do not affect currently running functions. Typically, setblasint should only be called from the top level.

The idea for this package came from AppleAccelerateLinAlgWrapper.