This is a Ruby Library for extracting RDF Graph from an instance of String.
Create RDF Graph (an instance of RDF::Graph by RDF.rb) from an instance of String.
- RDFa
- Microdata
- DC-HTML (RFC2731)
- N3 (isn't tested)
- JSON-LD (isn't tested)
- Ruby (>=1.9.3)
- libxml2
- rake (>=0.9.2)
git clone
cd rdf_string
rake build
rake install
require 'rdf_string'
class String
include RDFString
uri = ""
doc = open(uri).read
graph = doc.rdfa
uri = ""
doc = open(uri).read
graph = doc.microdata
uri = ""
doc = open(uri).read
graph = doc.rdfxml
uri = ""
doc = open(uri).read
graph = doc.dc_html
I refer to Structured Data Linter. I use his code to detect formats(RDFa, Microdata, RDF/XML, and so on). Thanks for all.
This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see or the accompanying {file:UNLICENSE} file.